/* ----------------------------------------------------- Blogger Template Style Booted from wordpress to blogspot by Gecko ------------------------------------------------------ */ Mann' Made: Stonehenge

Monday, September 17, 2007


We are now staying with some friends (Ben & Afsha) in Reading (pronounced 'Redding').

they have both been so hospitable, and it has been great to catch up. (I cannot believe that Ben has been over here for 2 1/2 years!)

When we arrived they took us out to dinner at this 'Pie shop' in Reading. They had a Massive variety of home made pies to choose from, and they were delicious!!!.

Yesterday (Sun) we were taken for a drive to see Stonehenge, which is not too far away.

It is certainly interesting to actually see something in person, that you have always heard or read about.

I have picked up a bit of a cold, that is really giving me the shits. Hopefully will stomp it out quickly.

Just having a cruisy day around Reading today, with a lot of R&R.

Later. Si.

PS, don't forget to initial/sign your comments, so I know who is leaving them. Xo

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