Saturday, November 3, 2007
Wales no. 2
Well I arrived back in Cardiff, and caught up with my cousin again, before heading to Ammanford to meet the rest of the relies,
(Botanical Gardens with the worlds largest greenhouse)
I have been rather spoiled by my uncle and aunties, who spent the last week driving me
everywhere, and stuffing me full of lovely food, I swear i have put on 5kg from eating here (Especially since I have not been walking)
Wales has been lovely, it has been great to re-meet and catch up with the rellies, although I must say Internet access in south west wales is somewhat scarce (but not a bad as liverpool!)
I am now back with Ben and Afsha in Reading and i have ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT ;-(
At least I have all of you to look forward to. and I think something is ment to be happening this Saturday???????
See you in a week.
Luv Simon
Nice atari shirt The Mann! Not long to go now...damn that went quick! That greenhouse is nuts, I love how they've kept the shape of the hill. Enjoy your last little bit and I'll see you Thursday morning!
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